About Us

Design with Friends makes designing your nursery easy, fun and collaborative. With our free online app, you can design, furnish and decorate your baby’s nursery in 3D and collaborate with your friends and the community to get feedback and input on your design. When you are happy with your design, you can easily buy all the items you chose for your nursery from leading retailers. Designing complete rooms – furniture, paint, wallpaper, floors, rugs, decor, and accessories–in the actual dimensions of your room has never been so easy and fun!

Our Mission

Why is every design program so complicated? I just want something simple - a simple drag and drop program where I can design a room and see how it looks. I’m not much of a designer so it would be even better if I could get help from anyone at the click of a button. Is that so much to ask for? That is the question Nir asked Tomer in late 2017. Tomer, having recently experienced this pain himself, had a simple response:Let’s do it. And just like that “Design With Friends” was born.

Our mission? Make design simple, social and available to everyone.  Any creative endeavor turns out best when there is more than one person involved, when ideas can be tossed back and forth easily. Designing a room is no different. It is a visual conversation.  And it should be easy to have that conversation.  That’s what we do.

The Team

  • Nir's portrait

    Nir Sadger - CEO

  • Tomer's portrait

    Tomer Kruvi - CTO

  • Hila's portrait

    Hila Shavit - Head of Interior Design